Uncharted Veterinary Conference Mic Drop 2018
Sunday, June 10, 2018 at 10:40AM
Motivatum Consulting

Feedback from participants after a 10 minute Micdrop presentation at the Uncharted Veterinary Conference, April 2018...

Loved the use of tension to build us up. Did an amazing job of making the audience feel and connect to her.  Speak more and bring tissues!

It was a beautiful and touching Micdrop :) 

Beautiful talk, wonderful story and delivery. 

Adored listening to her talk. 

Do you speak for a living...b/c you should (and if you already do, please keep doing it). 

Very powerful speech. I had tears as I listened and examined by own "What Ifs..." Thank you for sharing your story! 

She was so amazing. I was right there in that vet clinic with her seeing and feeling everything she did! 

Senani exudes likability. Her speech was touching and very dramatic. 

This was so different, it was really engaging and thought provoking. Best of the bunch. 

Phenomenal = keep it up.

Article originally appeared on Motivatum Veterinary Consulting - Senani Ratnayake - Building Momentum Through Motivation (http://imotivatum.com/).
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