The Dream

To have an effective and well-rounded team who work to make your practice exceed the clients’ expectations every day.


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John Street Animal Hospital

We have had several consultants come to speak at our clinic over the years, but none quite like Senani!

Through her friendly and dynamic presentation, she gave us so many great ideas and suggestions for things that we hadn't considered before as a team. Her experience as an RVT makes it easy for her to relate and understand the challenges we face day to day from an insider's point of view, which is something that doesn't happen with all consultants.

She left us feeling renewed and full of new ideas, not to mention her humorous and personable approach made her talk so much more interesting and entertaining - in a word, more "human".  To sum up, Senani is extremely knowledgeable, flexible, and passionate about helping clinics grow and improve, and this shows.

Camila Maceira
Main Receptionist and Vet Assistant
John Street Animal Hospital
Markham, ON

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